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Technologists from across Canada enter the B.Tech. program with diverse educational backgrounds, from applied science and engineering to health science.  Whether they use laptops or site plans, our graduates enhance their careers with the latest in business knowledge, technology management, and research analysis to evaluate and manage their workplace.

where you want to be.

Dwight Kirk Elliott

Without a doubt, the Marine Institute has provided me with the necessary skill sets to thrive in today’s market place. It has also helped me to acquire the appropriate skills to one day transition to a managerial role. The course content was extensive and has played a pivotal role in my career success to date.


Looking to enhance your career as a technologist? 
Prepare yourself for career advancement in the health science technology or engineering/applied science technology industries. We focus on the business and technology management skills you’ll need to advance career opportunities in your field. Your combined diploma and degree will provide you with strong technical training meeting national accreditation standards together with basic technology management skills to move ahead in your career. You’ll learn from the best in areas such as technology assessment, project management and quality management.

Program Structure
All students must complete the complement of 39 credit hours including a project and report. The program is available on a full or part-time basis and can be completed fully through the internet. Full-time students can complete the program in one academic year.

What You’ll Need
Graduates of nationally accredited diploma of technology programs in either applied science/engineering technology or health science technology that meet the general admission requirements of Memorial University can apply. International applicants with equivalent credentials may also be considered.

To apply, you must submit an application to Memorial University. This application form and more information about the program, as well as specific admission requirements, can be found at


You could advance to senior technical positions and/or move into technology related management sales, marketing, purchasing or similar commercial activities.